7 Yoga Trends to Look Out for in 2024

If you still picture a yoga session as a dozen people sitting calmly on their mats and saying “OM,” you’ll be surprised. Yoga discipline is becoming more and more progressive these days. And there are many yoga hybrids that try to adapt to the changing needs of practitioners and the new world’s situation.

5000-years old asanas are combined with light therapy and fitness exercises to get the most from all. So let’s check what’s new. Can you try the latest yoga trends in 2024?

Online Yoga

Simply Convenient

The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the focus from offline to online training programs. And that is likely to be true this year too. Many gyms and yoga studios are closed or work in a restricted mode. So online yoga classes and programs for instructors are becoming new yoga trends. 

Think of this, you can save time and effort by just opening an online video or scheduling a video call with your yoga instructor. That’s fast and convenient, and you don’t have to leave your apartment. Sounds tempting.

You may be wondering if online yoga classes really work. All the health and mental yoga benefits you get in an offline session are maintained in an online class.  Your presence on the mat, instructors’ cues, and practicing in any style you want are now available with online technologies. 


Work out with your bro

Yoga is mainly known as a “girlish” activity. And if you’re a bearded macho, you can hardly imagine yourself on the yoga mat next to sweaty girls stretching their backs in Downward Facing Dog.  But what if the group is for men? In 2024 you can try that with Broga classes.

Broga or Brother yoga is among the latest yoga trends. You attend a yoga class with a male friend for a complete yoga workout. This yoga practice is adapted for men and involves more reps to create strength and stability based on traditional yoga postures. It is more challenging and requires more effort than a regular yoga class. It builds brotherhood for men who want to stay fit and healthy.


If you want to run away

Professional athletes and runners know that their leg muscles can become rigid and stiff, joints and knees are also overloaded with time. Here when Roga comes in. It is introduced as a new yoga trend of 2024 that combines running and yoga in holistic training. 

Usually, it looks like 30 minutes of running and 30 minutes of doing yoga exercises. Thus, the muscles get a post-running recovery and stretch. 

Yoga breathing exercises train you for better breath control and awareness. Also, including yoga breathing techniques can help you improve lung capacity and keep the right breathing rhythm when you are running.

SUP Yoga trend

Helps you find the balance

SUP yoga isn’t a new thing in 2024 and was introduced back in 2013, but it is likely to stay popular this year. Paddleboard yoga is another name for this type of activity. It is not a beginner’s yoga kind, which is more suitable for experienced yogis. This yoga hybrid can help develop more core strength, and improve balance and mental concentration. This kind of yoga requires you to do postures while balancing on a paddleboard on water.

If you still want to try it, we’d recommend starting your training in a pool or on the ground to learn some balancing techniques before you try it on the water surface. Also, using some of the cheapest pre workout supplements can help your body get enough strength and restore better after the session. And of course, you’ll need calm water like a lake, which is another benefit of this yoga practice. Staying outdoors and enjoying water’s beauty is beneficial to your mood and health. And yes, try not to fall off your paddleboard!

HiiT Yoga

Good for weight loss

If yoga for weight loss is your call, Hiit yoga can be a real discovery for you in 2024. It involves high-intensity exercises, active yoga flow, and slow deep stretches in the end. Combining these allows you to get your heart and muscles working to boost body processes and get recovery time after the loads.

Thus, it can be done by anyone with any physical background and allows them to lose more calories faster than regular slow-pace yoga exercises.

Yoga Capsules

Will save some time

For busy freelancers or office workers, yoga capsules are among the yoga trends. This yoga type includes short sets of exercises from different yoga styles, including Yoga Nidra and meditation. Spend only 5-15 minutes per day at any time to add more sports into your life and change your sports routine. 

Sustain practice of yoga capsules can help you deal with everyday stress and anxiety effectively. In the end, you can correct your mental and emotional condition during your day without losing your productivity.

Chroma Yoga Trend

Turns on all your senses

Chroma Yoga, created in 2017, will gain more popularity in 2024 as well. It is a combination of an ancient practice of yoga with new technologies and research in light therapy. It helps to use all your senses in practice. Activating specific zones in your brain with color, light, sound, and smells can affect the whole body.

Each class is conducted in a room lit with different colors and filled with ‘meticulously chosen’ scents to create a healing effect. The colors vary in the wellness wins they provide:

  • Yellow works to improve sleep and self-esteem
  • Blue elevates mood and your productivity level
  • Orange helps to gain more energy and restore

The specifically prepared set of music also allows you to concentrate or relax deeper depending on your need. So if you want to try something new – give these new yoga trends a go in 2024.

Author’s Bio:

Kevin has been writing content for about 3 years. He really wants to share his experiences and advice with anyone who cares about health and fitness. He enjoys helping people achieve their fitness goals with simple instructions and overcoming any obstacles on the way.

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