7 Best Plants for Office as per Vastu

An office workplace is where you spend the most productive hours of your day. Your productivity and creativity depend on how well you can create an environment for yourself that balances peace and serenity with the right amount of hustle and bustle. Vastu Plants for Office helps you to maintain the balance and flow of energy, maximizing productivity and creativity in office space. Let’s find out plants that would work best for your office area while at work! Read about how to choose the best plants for your office by following the rules of Vastu.

Best Plants for Office as per Vastu

Plants make your office lively, fresh, and more productive. It is a perfect way to introduce some life into your lifeless office.

Here is the list of best plants for the office as per Vastu.

1. Holy Basil Plant or Tulsi

As per Vastu, the holy basil plant or Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) is considered auspicious and often used in religious ceremonies. It is said to bring good luck and fortune and an air purifier. Hence, it is one of the best Vastu plants to be placed inside your office. You can keep the Tulsi plant in the North, East, or North East direction.

2. Money Plant

According to Vastu, the money plant is considered auspicious and is known to bring good luck and fortune. The money plant is also known to help balance energies in your office or home. If you are looking for a good luck plant to keep inside your office, then the money plant is a great choice. The best direction is North and North East. Place according to your office structure.

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3. Lucky Bamboo Plant

Lucky bamboo (Dracaena braunii) is a popular plant for office, as it is said to bring good luck and fortune. The plant is easy to care for and does not require much maintenance. Lucky bamboo should be placed in a vase with water or in soil. It is important to keep the lucky bamboo plant away from direct sunlight as it can scorch the leaves.

4. Lily Plant

Lily (Lilium genus) is one of the most popular plants for office as per Vastu. This beautiful plant is known for its ability to purify the air and bring a touch of nature indoors. Lily plants are also said to help promote concentration and focus, making them ideal for the office environment. You can place this plant in the meeting and meditation room to spread comfort and peace.

5. Snake Plant

The Snake Plant is an excellent choice for the office as it is known to purify the air and remove toxins. It is a low-maintenance plant that does not require much water or sunlight, making it ideal for the office environment. It grows in any environment and is easy to maintain, which attracts positive vibes to individuals.

6. Banana Plant

Banana plants symbolize Lord Vishnu, and the presence of Banana plants at the office or home is believed to be holy. It will keep your office employee stays blessed. It protects from illicit happenings and brings joy to the office. That’s why it is considered the best good luck plant for the office. According to Vastu Shastra, it should be kept in the northeast direction of the office.

7. Lotus Plant

The Lotus plant has a connection with the Goddess of Wealth, Lakshmi. It symbolizes strength, power, purity, and wealth. The presence of the lotus plant brings positive energy, prosperity, good luck, peace, and a healthy environment. The best location is in front of the office.


With the hectic schedules and deadlines that are part of any office job, it is hard to find time for plants. However, they can help to increase productivity by providing a break from the screen while also helping to keep your energy levels up.

Read Next Blog: Small Plants for Office Desk

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