As per the latest update, it is known that the Google cloud team is deeply involved in recruiting and collaborating with a team which is capable of creating tools for the developers who are involved in working on Web3 services and products. This newly created group will ensure to utilize the benefit of growing interest in different applications like AWS by Amazon, Microsoft Azure, etc.In this blog, you will gain an understanding about google interest in investing in web3 unit. To gain a better understanding of the concepts in Google Cloud, you can enroll yourself for the Google Cloud training.
As and when Web3 is created, the organization is focused on bringing Google cloud platform to be the topmost option or choice for the developers. As per one of the latest summits conducted by Amit Zaveri who is the Vice President, an email has been rolled out.

With the announcement from Google, it is expected to to see an increase in the activities and provide the esteemed support to the blockchain developers with the development of the web 3 tools.
The organizations like Microsoft and Amazon are being dominated with respect to cloud data storage. Hence, the primary concern of the new term will be capitalisation on the opportunities which will expand the community. The primary goal of three technologies is to utilize technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, decentralization, and blockchain to improve the efficiency levels within the given time frames.
Why is Google so Interested to Invest in Web3?
As per Google, web3 is one of the ideologies on which the current era can be used for construction, which is built on distributed blockchain Technology, 11 the users to have more access and control over the information, allowing to have additional space for the customers to perform extra management over the information. There is a contraction to a period called net 2.0 which is the. From which the online information has been utilized for the development of centralisation amongst different organizations or companies, like Amazon and Google.
Google has been showing much interest to edge its place in a format which is decentralized. The tech monitor has provided their report in January stating that the search engine made arrangements for a blockchain unit which is present inside the labs to have a look at the different decentralization methods which are used with construction.
The chief analyst at Omdia has stated that there is a fact behind all this, which is cleanness to spend the money e and also so know about how Google Cloud space speaks within the public cloud market. It is also known that there is a great distance between Microsoft Azure and a w s which is leading to an area of 10% market share and is considered as a largest participant.
There is a heavy competition between the public cloud Rivals like Microsoft Azure and amazon. 3 unit and its establishment has become a great choice and a popular platform for the blockchain developers and also to make Google platform as the best.
As you all might have noticed, Google Cloud is considered as a search engine which includes the different Cloud Computing services. All the projects which are related to Google will run on Google Cloud itself. Google has also increased its commitment levels to ensure that they are increasing the growth and its activities in the emerging Web3 space.
After the keen interest, Google has taken a step forward to create a digital asset team in the early times of this year as there is a high interest in the NFTs (non-fungible tokens).
After building the specialized team members which comprise the best team who would be involved in helping in building the blockchain related products and services, applications, there is a responsibility for the team to ensure that they are actively and effectively involved in maintaining the blockchain nodes. There are also softwares which will help which will help in exploring the blockchain data different applications like the third party applications.
Are Microsoft Azure and AWS interested in investing in Web3?
Microsoft Azure and AWS are offering their services to users with an unlimited number of blockchain tools and also have not interested much in this technology. As per Illsley, if decentralization will be considered as the future of the internet, then we can still see it. As Google is more interested in improving its position and involved in taking things ahead to make web3 as one of the best platforms.
One of the directors named Bola Rotibi, has stated that there is high confidence that the decentralized Technologies and the Web3 Technologies will still stay. He also stated that we are going to see a change in the level of maturity for the blockchain developers and the blockchain supports and services.
He also stated that Google has been making a judgment call stating that this technology will not be out of the track, however things like metaverse will make use of this technology for the security and identification purposes which is going to make a much more difference.
There is an expectation that both Microsoft Visual and other players will be involved in making certain Investments in a similar way. As Google is clearly stating that its providing its extensive support to the developer community, they are keenly involved in making utilization of this technology. Along with this she also wants that the Microsoft ratio and areas will have their own set of developer communities and will be working to provide the extensive support in the similar way.
Is Google sticking to Blockchain Technology?
The CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai has been calling the blockchain industry one of the most powerful and interesting. Google has invested a lot of time, research for a long tenure and has entered into this space to provide their support to the technology.
As discussed earlier, Google had all the idea about the follow up instructions or the follow-up implement 1st digital team has been formed and they have started working with their customers in order to facilitate the NFTs.
Google has also been believing that the applications related to blockchain will ensure to find their own way based on the traditional Financial Services, and will be involved in streamlining the processing efficiently.
Google has given a clarity that it has placed itself in a position to be stunning first to provide it support for the blockchain based applications and considered itself as a provider for the whole entity.
There are many other big technical companies like Amazon, Facebook, Alibaba, Microsoft which have also shown their interest to enter into the journey e2 startup new initiatives for Web3 blockchain.
Web3 is known for its ideology of implementing and iterating the world wide web which is purely based on the blockchain technology. It is usually used as it does not need any exchange of personal information to different companies like Google and Facebook to make use of the services. I hope the above information is helpful to you. To learn more about web 3, you can get trained and certified in google cloud training to attain the best professional career.
Author Bio
I am Sai Thirumal, Working as a content writer in HKR Trainings. I Have good experience in handling technical content writing and aspires to learn new things to grow professionally. I am expert in delivering content on the market demanding technologies like AlterYX Training, PTC Windchill Course, Arcsight Training, Google cloud bases and Golang Training, etc.