Strategies for Optimising Your Website for Voice Search for Better SEO

Voice search presents a massive opportunity for businesses that have optimised their websites for it. Leveraging these types of searches allows you to reach additional customers while improving your SEO and rankings.

According to various sources, there are now over a billion monthly voice searches, with about half of adults using voice search daily. About a quarter of all voice searches are done on mobile devices, with the rest happening on other devices. This article provides actionable tips that businesses and marketers can use to prepare their websites for this type of search.

What is Voice Search Optimisation?

Voice search optimization is the process of improving your website and online presence so your content appears for voice searches. Its primary aim is to get showcased on search engine result pages or for your content to be read aloud by services like Google Assistant, Alexa, and Siri.

It differs from traditional text-based search due to how we phrase queries when we type or voice them. For example, you might type “plumbers near me” but you would say “find me a plumber nearby who is open at this time”.

We talk to voice assistants like we would real people, and this is something you need to keep in mind.

Start with Keyword Research

The right keywords are critical in voice search for the reasons we have discussed above. The three types of keywords to focus on are long-tail, question, and conversational.

Long-tail keywords usually include more than three words, are highly specific, and have lower search volumes. An example is “Find a local plumber”.

Question keywords use question words like where, when, why, what and how. For example, “What is the best restaurant in Leicester?”, which combines both a question and a long-tail keyword.

Lastly, conversational keywords mirror how we talk to each other and, therefore, how we are likely to talk to a voice assistant. An example would be, “How do I get to Heathrow Airport”.

Since each type of keyword has different characteristics, they need slightly different research. It is best to hire a digital marketing agency to do this research for you as they will find highly relevant keywords that you can use elsewhere, such as in your content, on social media, and in ads.

Audit Your Content Before Optimisation

You should conduct a content audit before you start optimising for voice searches. This process entails analysing and assessing all content on your website to find opportunities to include the keywords you want to target.

Once you know what content you have and what keywords it includes, you can judge whether you need to create new content or improve what you already have to include more conversational keywords.

For example, if you already have content targeting the keyword “how to edit an image using Photoshop”, you do not need to create another targeting “how do I use Photoshop”. Instead, you should find ways to include similar keywords to that contempt.

Check Search Results for Your Target Keywords

You should look at the results that appear when you search for your target keywords. Doing so will help you understand what type of content ranks for it and, therefore, what you should create.

Importantly, you should check the SERP features shown. These include:

  • Featured snippets – Short snippets that provide quick answers and page previews.
  • People also ask – A set of questions related to the query. They can be useful when creating FAQ sections.
  • Local pack – A list of top businesses in a location and a map for results that align with a local query, such as “Top restaurants in London”.
  • Rich snippets – These results show additional information like reviews and ratings.

Perform Local SEO

Most voice searches are for products and services in the user’s vicinity. For this reason, you should optimise your content for local SEO to not only be found in voice searches but also increase your reach, visibility, local traffic, and brand awareness.

Start by completing your Google Business Profile. This is a free tool that lets businesses determine how they appear on Google Maps, Google Shopping, and Google Search. Google Assistant relies on this information, so it should be complete and accurate.

Next, get listed on different directories. While Google Assistant draws information from your Google Business profile, Alexa, Cortana, and Siri often source information from other directories. Getting listed here ensures you have the widest coverage among relevant assistants and voice search applications.

Third, always use local SEO in your content. Your digital marketing agent should already have a list of phrases and words people use to find your business and its products or services. Targeting these keywords increases the likelihood of Google listing your business in local packs and appearing on local voice search query results.

Add an FAQ Section

An FAQ mirrors the “People also ask” section on Google’s search result pages and is an excellent addition for voice search. When creating one, think about the questions people might ask about the topic you are writing about or the products and services you sell.

Answering their questions directly increases the chance of your answer being picked up by Google and being shown or read aloud to those who search for it.

Next, use this section to incorporate local voice search keywords that you might not have been able to add to the rest of the content naturally.

As you do the above, remember to keep your questions and answers relevant, clear, and short so they are picked up by search engines. Optimising your website and content for voice search is crucial in an age where most people conduct at least one voice search per day. Since user preferences and behaviours change, you should continuously check your results and tweak your strategies to continue getting the benefits of this crucial search type.

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