Many people search “How to Make Money from a Blog”. Starting a blog can be stressful, especially when you want to quit your job to start a blog! Whether you’re planning to replace your job with blogging and start working from home. You can start blogging along with your job. For that, you have to learn how to monetize your website and start earning. We have listed the exact ways how you can do it.
There are many ways to make money online, but one of the most rewarding ways to generate income from home is blogging. It requires lots of work, planning, and strategies, and not a quick rich scheme too. Blogging requires a niche and choosing the right blog niche in which you have in-depth knowledge, which helps you make the first dollar because you know what type of content works and generally what people search for when you know the right blog niche. Blogging requires lots of strategies like if plan A fails then, plan B is ready to be placed in the process.

Come to the point, how to monetize a blog. There are so many resources available for monetizing websites, and it’s a legitimate way to make money from home.
All of this work is not easy as it seems. Blogging is not just a few posts written up, publishing them on the website and hoping that people come to read and click on affiliate links to buy stuff. It requires a lot of work like keyword research, On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, optimizing a website for mobile, optimizing speed, solving technical errors, internal linking, optimizing old content, check analytics, search console, and a lot more stuff.
All you have to do is patience. Just do the work on time to see things start working.
Blogging is not a Two Minute Maggi!
There are 5 Main Ways to Make Money With a Blog.
There are a few different ways to make money from the blog. You can make money through affiliate marketing, guest post, sponsored posts, advertising, and services/products.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing means promoting other companies products/services through a custom link, and if a person purchases it, you will make a small commission; this will work even when you’re sleeping. Many companies have affiliate programs, so there are lots of opportunities. Amazon is one of the best examples of affiliate programs. You choose any product of your choice and start marketing that product using a custom link. You can send it to your friends or family. For example, if your friend purchases a product, you’ll earn a commission.
Sponsored Posts
Sponsored posts are mainly a review or direct promotion type of blog post. A brand may pay you to write a review, and you can also write a blog post about their product or service. Depending upon the blog’s popularity, if your blog starts gaining popularity, then many companies start to contact you to write a review but being a beginner in the blogging industry, you will need to reach out to the brand through an email for a sponsored post. Sometimes companies offer the product for free in exchange for sponsored posts, or sometimes they offer payment.
Guest Post
A guest post is the same as a sponsored post, but the only difference is a guest post is about knowledge sharing, writing on a specific topic, and posting it on our website or another website. Many bloggers, who have a website with a lot of traffic flow and high authority, may charge for posting a blog/article. You may know in-depth knowledge of the blog niche. In, people were more interested your blog may receive a good amount of traffic. Many companies start approaching you for guest posts through that, and you’ll ask for a payout for publishing.
Advertising is one of the most common ways to make money from the blog, But it requires a good amount of traffic flow on your website to make a significant amount of money. It requires lots of time and works to bring in income. There are many platforms available for advertising, and one of the most popular platforms is Google Adsense. It works on a per-click modal, so that is why it requires lots of traffic to see it working.
Services or Products
This process works if you have skills like SEO Consulting, Graphic Designing, Social Media, Nutrition Advice, Financial Planner, Content Writing, Website Development, Application Development, and much more. Any type of work you could do over the Internet to make money online through your website, or freelance website, you can monetize that!
This way, you can earn endless but requires some creativity to stand out from others.

I hope you get an idea about how to monetize a blog! If you want to take the plunge and want to start your blog, you can contact us.