How Ecolum Lighting Can Improve Your Productivity

Ecolum lighting is a type of LED lighting. Ecolum lighting is known for being cost-effective, accessible, and adaptable. Offices and working spaces often make use of ecolum lighting. There has been a published study that indicates that the kind of lighting used in working environments can influence your productivity.

ecolum lighting

How Does Lighting Improve Productivity?

According to Emily Dunn, a senior consultant in New York, and Stanley Felderman of Felderman Keatinge & Associates, lighting can help influence your level of productivity. Lighting can aid in making people feel much better about how they perceive their productivity at work. In addition, they can control and adjust the lighting aligned to their personal preferences and needs.

There are two notable lighting preferences particularly linked with higher rates of productivity. Namely, these are natural light and higher-temperature lighting.

Natural light comes from the sun in the morning. For those who work in spaces featuring access to natural daylight, productivity becomes easier to achieve. Natural daylight improves productivity due to its effect on the hypothalamus, which impacts the internal and natural clock of the body and its serotonin and melatonin production.

Higher-temperature lighting is linked to Color temperature. Color temperature is an expression that describes the ambiance of a light source. It is measured through the degrees of Kelvin (K). As a light source’s color temperature grows, its color changes.

Lower temperatures have a color range of red to pale white. Meanwhile, middle-temperature lighting has an appearance of cool white.

Lastly, higher-temperature lighting appears blue-white and is linked to higher productivity. Ecolum lighting can also fall under higher-temperature lighting. In several published research literature, workers who used blue-white lighting reported experiencing less eye strain and a higher level of alertness and happiness.

How Can I Improve my Working Space’s Lighting?

For a higher productivity rate, you need to invest in a working space that can utilize blue-light lighting and daylight. Below are three ways to improve and utilize the lighting in your working space!

Maximize your access to natural light. It is important to assess the current location and lighting situation of your workspace. This step is imperative because it can help you save money. Is your desk near a window? If it is, then you can opt to move your desk just by it. It not only gives you better lighting access and higher productivity; it can also make your desk look brighter and neater.

Decorate with a bright desk light. A classic desk lamp usually never fails to brighten up a work desk. Desk lamps come in various lighting colors, shapes, sizes, and even designs. With a wide variety of desk lamps on the market, everyone can pick something that suits their preferences.

Use ecolum light bulbs. For those with minimal access to natural light, it’s not the end of the world. A good alternative to increase your productivity with lighting is to use ecolum light bulbs for your room lighting. Ecolum light bulbs are not only high-quality but also can be more cost-effective in the long run.

Add overhead lighting to your room. Overhead lighting is another good alternative for natural daylight. You can put overhead lights in the spaces of your room that can be quite dark. The light can significantly raise its ambiance and lift the mood of your room! For overhead lighting, you can also try using ecolum lighting.

High-Quality Ecolum Lights From Firefly Electric!

Firefly Electric is a trusted and leading Filipino electrical solutions brand. Their products are accessible, affordable, and made from high-quality materials and now include ecolum lighting.

Whether it will be for your home office or bedroom, Firefly Electric’s Ecolum lights can help you achieve a brighter and more pleasant-looking space and become more productive.

Author’s Bio:

Rosette has a knack for anything DIY. She spent her younger years learning about the different hardware tools, lighting, and equipment in the hopes of establishing a hardware business in the future. Her career options may have changed, but today, she continues to write so passionately about her first love.

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