There is nothing in the SEO world called Black and White. Nevertheless, when it comes to link building, you need to pick up anyone – white hat or black hat link building. I hope you know how dangerous black hat link building is. But what’s more dangerous is a range of contradictory myths playing out there. To be precise, there is so much wrong and right information about link building on the Internet; they confuse you, and BOOM… you get penalties from Google.
Therefore, it’s essential to know which ones are true and which ones are actually myths. We have jotted down the most crucial link building myths in the blog.

6 Link Building Myths You Should Know In 2023
Let’s clarify your concept first about what Link Building is in SEO.
Well, it’s the method of creating a bunch of links all over the Internet that would drive you back to your site. There is a plethora of complicated concepts associated with it, and no one knows how Google Algorithm actually works. Hence, a range of misconceptions, theories, speculations, rumors, and assumptions prevail over them.
Here are 6 threatening link building myths a newbie may come across in the SEO world. Scroll down to read each of them in detail.
Myth 1: All The Links On The Page Have Equal Ranking Value
The majority of SEO specialists think that you can place a link anywhere on the page, and it would bring the same value. I am sorry to break this mesmerizing bubble, but it’s wrong. However, SEO experts like Rand Fishkin claimed the higher a link is positioned on a page, the more its value is.
Myth 2: All The Links Should Be Rel=Nofollow
A number of recommendations are active on the web for turning the links into nofollow. This is seriously a treacherous myth that you must know very well. According to one Google update, Nofollow links have no value. So, if all the links are nofollow and all of them are of the same quality, there will be no domain authority. There is no way for search engines to evaluate the sites.
So, you see, turning all the Dofollow links into Nofollow ones can actually ruin your SEO to a great extent.
Myth 3: Images Are Bad For SEO
Surprisingly, some people treat it as one of the link building tips; I mean, WHY or HOW? Come on, using image links is not at all fatal but make sure the image alt tags are not keyword-stuffed intentionally. If that happens, it falls under Black-Hat SEO, and of course, it’s against Google’s Ranking Guidelines. Now, this is something that’s really scary for your website. Otherwise, giving relevant images is a superb ranking factor.
Nonetheless, with the swift evolution of AI, Google is improving gradually in terms of understanding images. By employing Object Detection In Images, it takes care of this matter.
Myth 4: Guest Posting For Link Building Is Not Anymore Useful
It’s true that guest posting to build high-value links is a backdated procedure, but it’s not dead completely. It was Matt Cutts who stated this for the first time. However, what he meant was spammy guest posting was dead, but it was completely misunderstood. The solution to this is checking who is already talking about your or your competitor’s brand using social listening tools.
Myth 5: Links From The Wikipedia Like Sites Will Give You High Rankings For Sure
I’m not sure if you really consider this to be true, but if you do, it’s high time to step aside from it. Millions of SEO experts believe that getting links from high authority sites will give SEO rankings a boost. It doesn’t make sense in any which way. Now the question is why.
Myth 6: Links Irrelevant To Your Niche Won’t Help Your Website Rank
I heard several times that non-relevant links are low-quality links, but it’s not really a genuine fact. Why? It’s because even if the backlink is irrelevant if it comes from a high-authority website, you don’t have to worry. However, if the website is of low domain authority, Google will frown upon those links.
Wrapping It Up
To conclude, these are the most severe link building myths that can mess up your brain and website. I am sure you have also heard at least 4 out of the 6 myths I mentioned above here and there. There are many more like this hovering all around.
However, the best way to fight them is by using your logic, judgment skills, and decision-making abilities. No matter if they come from a reliable source, also analyze them using your common sense. Also, it’s important to stay up to date with the periodical Google Algorithm Updates.
Do you have any questions for us? Let’s meet in the comment section below.
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