How to Fix Black Lines on Laptop Screen

Causes of Black Lines on Laptop Screen

Black lines on a laptop screen can be caused by a variety of factors, including hardware and software issues. These lines might appear due to a loose connection, a faulty display driver, physical damage to the screen, or even an aging screen. Know how to fix black lines on the laptop screen.

Solutions to Fix Black Lines on Laptop Screen

1. Restart Your Laptop: Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve minor software glitches causing the black lines.

2. Update Display Drivers: Outdated or corrupted display drivers can cause display issues. Update the drivers through the Device Manager or by visiting the manufacturer’s website.

3. Check Cable Connections: If the lines are due to a loose connection, check the cable connecting the display to the motherboard. Ensure it’s securely plugged in.

4. Run Display Diagnostics: Many laptops have built-in diagnostic tools accessible through the BIOS menu. Running these diagnostics can identify hardware-related issues.

5. Professional Repair: If the above steps don’t work and the issue persists, seeking professional help from a technician might be necessary. They can diagnose hardware faults and replace damaged components if needed.

Moving on to horizontal and vertical lines on a monitor screen:

How to Fix Horizontal Lines on a Laptop Screen

Causes of Horizontal Lines

Horizontal lines on a laptop can stem from issues similar to those causing black lines on a laptop screen. Loose connections, cable problems, outdated drivers, or even a faulty graphics card could be culprits.

Solutions for Horizontal Lines

1. Check Cable Connections: Ensure all cables connecting the monitor to the computer are firmly connected. Replace damaged cables.

2. Update Graphics Drivers: Like laptops, outdated or corrupted graphics drivers can cause display issues. Update the graphic driver through the Device Manager or the manufacturer’s official website.

3. Test on Another Device: Connect the monitor to another computer to check if the lines persist. If they do, it’s likely a monitor issue.

4. Reset Monitor Settings: Most monitors have a reset option in the settings menu. Resetting to factory settings might eliminate display issues.

5. Professional Assistance: If the lines persist and seem hardware-related, professional repair might be necessary.

Also read: How To Check If My Laptop has HDMI Input

How to Fix Vertical Lines on a Laptop Screen

Causes of Vertical Lines

Vertical lines on a laptop can arise from similar causes as horizontal lines—loose connections, cable issues, outdated drivers, or even defective hardware.

Solutions for Vertical Lines

1. Check Cable Connections: Verify the connections between the monitor and the computer. Replace damaged cables.

2. Update Graphics Drivers: Ensure that your graphics drivers are up-to-date to rule out any software-related issues.

3. Change Refresh Rate and Resolution: Adjusting the monitor’s refresh rate and resolution settings can sometimes resolve vertical line problems.

4. Test on Another Device: Connect the monitor to a different computer to see if the lines persist. This helps determine if the issue is with the monitor or the computer.

5. Seek Professional Help: If the problem persists despite trying the above steps, consulting a professional technician for further diagnosis and repair might be necessary.


Dealing with lines on a screen can be frustrating, but trying these steps to fix black lines should help troubleshoot and resolve the issue. If all else fails, seeking professional assistance is the best course of action to ensure your device is in working order.

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