How to Cut a Hoodie Neck: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hoodies are a versatile and comfortable addition to any wardrobe. However, sometimes you might want to customize your hoodie by altering the neckline. Whether you’re looking for a more relaxed fit or simply want to give your hoodie a unique touch, cutting the hoodie neck can be a simple yet effective way to achieve the desired look. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to cut a hoodie neck properly.

Materials Needed To Cut Hoodie Neck:

  • A Hoodie: Choose a hoodie that you’re comfortable modifying.
  • Fabric Chalk or Marker: This will help you mark the area where you want to cut.
  • Sharp Scissors: A good pair of fabric scissors will make the process much easier.
  • Ruler or Measuring Tape: This will help you ensure straight and even cuts.
  • Iron and Ironing Board (optional): This is useful if you want to smooth out any wrinkles after cutting.

Step 1: Choose Your Desired Neckline

Before you start cutting, decide what kind of neckline you want. You can go for a crew neck, a V-neck, or even a scoop neck, depending on your preference.

Step 2: Mark the Cutting Line

Put on the hoodie and use the fabric chalk or marker to mark the cutting line. For a crew neck, mark a slightly curved line around the neckline, keeping it as even as possible. If you’re going for a V-neck or scoop neck, mark a “V” or a rounded shape respectively.

Step 3: Remove the Hoodie

Take off the hoodie and lay it on a flat surface. Smooth out any wrinkles or folds to ensure accuracy in cutting.

Step 4: Start Cutting Hoodie Neck

Using the marked line as a guide, carefully cut along the line. Take your time to ensure a clean and even cut. If you’re uncertain, it’s better to cut a little less initially, as you can always trim more if needed.

Step 5: Check the Fit

Put the hoodie back on and check the fit. Make any necessary adjustments by trimming the neckline further if needed.

Step 6: Finish the Edges (Optional)

If you want a more polished look, you can finish the raw edges of the neckline. This can be done by folding the edge over and sewing it in place, or by using a fabric adhesive to prevent fraying.

Step 7: Iron (Optional)

If you’ve made any adjustments or if the hoodie has wrinkles from the cutting process, use an iron to smooth out the fabric.

Step 8: Clean Up

Clean up any loose threads or fabric remnants to give your hoodie a neat finish.

Tips and Considerations:

Take it Slow: Cutting too much at once can result in a neckline that’s too wide. It’s always better to start with a smaller cut and make adjustments as needed.

Practice on Scrap Fabric: If you’re unsure about the process, practice cutting on a scrap piece of fabric before working on your hoodie.

Consider Your Style: The neckline you choose should complement your style and the overall look you want to achieve.

Consult a Professional (Optional): If you’re unsure about making major alterations, consider consulting a professional tailor or seamstress for guidance.


You can successfully cut a hoodie neck to achieve the desired look. Remember to take your time and be cautious with the scissors to ensure a clean and precise cut. With a bit of creativity and patience, you can give your hoodie a personalized touch that reflects your style.

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