Running an oil rig can be a deeply satisfying job, providing the world with much-needed energy while making a fair amount of money in the process. With environmental sustainability on everyone’s minds when extracting oil from the ground and the sea, it is important for your oil rig to operate with the highest level of technological capabilities. Therefore, before you start on your oil rig, it is highly important to make sure that you have all of the right technology installed. To help you on your journey this guide has been created to recommend the right equipment. Read on now for everything that you might need.

Oil Stop Valves
One of the worst events that can befall you when working on an oil rig is the event of an oil spill. As seen with the disastrous Deepwater Horizon oil spill, these types of events are not only completely disastrous for the environment, but can also cause lost revenue in the billions of dollars for your parent company as well as easily making you lose your job. One way to make sure that you can separate any oil from water is by installing oil stop valves. Take a look around at different providers to find the right oil water separators for your rig.
Autonomous Machines
When it comes to saving the time of your workers regarding regular inspections, there is nothing out there as useful as autonomous machines. They are also quite useful when it comes to ensuring the safety of workers as inspections can often be quite dangerous tasks. Whether it’s robot dogs or undersea drones, having the right autonomous technology can definitely help to spur on your business to be a success.
The Internet of Things
In order to prevent an oil spill like the Shell Gulf of Mexico oil spill, it is important to invest in equipment that can constantly monitor your equipment and keep it safe. This is especially important when considering the way that much of the equipment that is present on an oil rig is slowly going out-of-date. By investing in the Internet of Things, you can make sure that you have real time data analytics from your equipment, thus minimizing the chance of anything going wrong.
Cloud Computing
There is a lot going on at any given time on an oil rig, meaning that synchronous data transfer is an absolute must for everyone involved. One way to ensure the best flow of data is by making use of cloud computing, which can allow you to always see what is going on at any given time. It’s worth having a complete look at the different providers out there in order to find one that is perfectly tailored to the needs of your oil rig.
Running an oil rig is no walk in the park. It has been the aim of this guide, however, to recommend a few ways to make that job a lot easier. Make sure to invest in the right technology in order to more easily run a successful operation.