10 Amazing Functionalities to Check in Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics is a free and beginner-friendly web analytics service that can capture a variety of data. It’s also easy to use and customize. As you get more familiar with Google Analytics, you’ll start to notice some amazing new features in GA4. These can help you improve data collection, extract information from your website and strategize marketing campaigns.

1. Traffic Sources

Whether a user arrives on your website via search engines, social media, or typing your URL directly into their browser, it’s important to know where they came from. This helps you better market your website and optimize it for growth.

The Google Analytics “Traffic Sources” metric helps you understand how your traffic comes from different sources. It breaks down the organic search, referral, direct, paid, email, and social traffic.

This metric is especially helpful for online retailers who want to track better how their advertising campaigns and marketing strategies are performing. It also gives you a good overview of which traffic sources are most effective for driving conversions.

2. Behavior

Using the Google Analytics Behavior reports, you can analyze and understand what visitors do on your website. It helps you improve the user experience and meet their needs to guide them toward conversions.

  • Overview – The overview report shows an overall picture of traffic on your site, with data on individual pages compared to the entire site. This is a good starting point for analyzing your website’s user behavior before diving deeper into one of the other reports or tools in the Behavior section.
  • Bounce Rate – This metric shows how often people come to a page and don’t stay on it for any reason.
  • Exit percentage – This metric shows how often people leave a page or page after seeing it.

This is a crucial report for optimizing your website. It can help you identify pages that need a speed boost and suggests ways to optimize them.

3. Conversions

Conversions are arguably the most valuable and actionable data in Google Analytics. They help you understand how well your website and marketing strategies are working.

You can track several types of conversions, from micro-conversions like signing up to an email list to macro-conversions like a purchase. Regardless of what kind of conversion you want to follow, it’s important to check your reports regularly.

The top conversion paths report in Google Analytics shows you how someone found your site and what path they took to convert. It also includes information on time lag and path length, which is important when tracking conversions over time.

4. Goals

Using Goals in Google Analytics is a great way to track and monitor the most valuable website conversions. You can use these to measure the success of your content marketing efforts and SEO services in Boise, Idaho, as well as any other advertising campaigns that you may be running.

There are many different types of goals available in Google Analytics. These include Destination, Duration, Pages/Screens per session, Event, and Smart Goal.

5. Channels

Channels are a useful way to break down your traffic sources into different categories. They allow you to analyze how well certain channels are performing, as well as identify any potential weaknesses in those channels.

In Google Analytics, the means through which a visitor arrives at your site is called their channel. This could be something like a website, a search engine, a social media post, or anything else.

The GA4 new features break down traffic into eight default channels (Organic, Paid, Display, Email, Referral, Social, Direct, and Other). However, if you want to get a more detailed view of your traffic, you can create custom channel groupings.

6. Content

One of the most useful GA4 features measures how content impacts your website. This includes page views, bounce rates, and goal completions.

The Content Drilldown report is a good place to start, as it shows you the top folders on your site and the individual pieces within them.

It also has a nice display of the top 10 most popular pages on your website. It even overlays percentages to show you the most important content on each page. Using this feature can help you find new ways to improve your content. It can also help you decide where to invest your time and energy. This is especially important for businesses that have a large amount of content to track. It also makes it easier to collaborate with your team so that you can get the most out of Google Analytics 4 features.

7. Mobile

Mobile app analytics provides a wealth of data if you know how to use it. This data allows you to track user engagement, retention, and churn.

Google Analytics has many reports that are useful for analyzing app data. Among them is reporting on user flows and funnels.

This allows you to see how long users spend in your app, what features they use, and why they leave. It also helps you spot places and app elements that may hinder user engagement or conversions.

One of the most exciting new features in GA4 is the ability to view and share intelligence reports. Intelligence reports will tell you if any unexpected changes occur in your data.

8. Devices

There are many different types of devices used to access the internet, and it is important to understand what kind of device your audience uses to browse your site. It can help you improve your site and better serve the needs of your customers.

Google Analytics 4 features can show you the devices your visitors are using to navigate your website and how they perform on those devices. For example, you can see which brands your users prefer and which operating systems are in use on their mobile devices. Keeping track of which instruments are generating the most traffic and converting well can help you make more informed decisions when it comes to marketing and advertising. It can also help you design more effective site layouts optimized for each type of device and user. This will ultimately lead to more successful sales and conversions for your business.

9. Apps

GA4 features provide a lot of functionality to help you understand your users and the website you create. It has everything from simple stats to complex reports that tell you how your site is performing and a lot more.

If you’re a data nerd, then you’ll love this app. It displays key stats in a nifty ’tile’ layout that is easy to read and understand.

The app also supports multiple accounts and profiles, so you can easily switch between them. It even allows you to color-code your sites to make them stand out from the crowd!

10. Social

Social media is an important part of any marketing campaign. It can be a great way to generate targeted traffic and get people engaged with your site.

The first thing you need to do is check out the Social tab in the GA4 new features. This will show you which social networks are driving traffic to your site and how many visitors come from each network.

You can also use this to track goals and conversions. For example, if you are monitoring content promotion, you can see how much traffic is coming to a specific blog post or landing page from social media.


In conclusion, Google Analytics 4 is an advanced platform that provides incredible functionalities to help you understand your website performance and audience behavior. GA4 features have everything you need to take your website to the next level, from the new and improved data collection methods to the advanced analysis tools. Whether you’re a seasoned analyst or just starting out, the GA4 new features have something for everyone. With the ability to track user behavior across multiple devices, see the full customer journey, and use AI-powered insights to understand your audience better and how to optimize your website for maximum results. So, make sure to check out these new features in GA4 that offer amazing functionalities and see the difference they can make for your website.

Author Bio:

Edwin Brown is working with Morningdove Marketing, a digital marketing firm located in the USA. He is devoted to finding avant-garde solutions for SEO and digital marketing challenges and enjoys sharing his knowledge with those in need.

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